Projects Progress & Learning at the NC Reentry Hub Hack Day The NC Reentry Resources Hub project is a website providing high-quality information and resources relevant and valuable to NC citizens Jen Pahlka & Code for Asheville: The Movie! "We're not going to solve this counry's problems in San Francisco, and we're not going to solve them in DC." BeLoved Computer Lab Opens! On Tuesday, June 27th, the BeLoved Computer Lab officially opened! We had four clients, with questions as diverse as "How What Do Code for America & Code for Asheville Stand For? Last week Jen Pahlka, founder and Executive Director of Code for America, attended the American Technology Council meeting at the Middle School Inventors At Community Night The June 8 Community Night kicked off with a demo of the MIT App Inventor platform that our presenter, Kathryn Bradley, uses to Leadership Changes and Opportunities: A Note From the Co-Captains Dear Code for Asheville friends, First, we have an announcement. Co-captain Jesse Michel, who has helped to lead the brigade Update on the Beloved Asheville Computer Lab By Jim March I have stepped into the breach, and patience is a virtue. My first couple visits to the Traffic Stop Data Update Core team member & former co-captain Patrick Conant has been working with Ian Mance, an attorney at the Southern Coalition Report on our 4/13 Community Night The goal for the evening was to learn about Asheville's efforts to end homelessness in our community and to identify ways Update on Code for Asheville 2017 Plans A quick update for everyone on our plans for 2017. At our March 14 planning meeting we identified three key priorities: « Previous 1 … 3 4 5 6 Next »