
Sunshine Request Launches

Last week was Sunshine Week and the folks at PRC Applications celebrated by launching, a site that makes it easier for citizens to make public records requests. The site offers a single simple form for making requests to any government entity (with...

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Open Data Day 2017

About 25 people showed up Asheville’s Open Data Day on March 4, enjoying good food and lively conversation about the important challenges of making open data actually matter for our community. Introductory Remarks Vice Mayor Gwen Wisler kicked off the event with the...

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Code for Asheville & Politics: Our Policy

Working in the civic space on stuff that matters inevitably and rightfully means dealing with issues that are politically charged. With that in mind, we felt it important to clarify Code for Asheville's relationship to such issues. The statement below is our attempt...

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We need your help!

There are exciting things happening with Code for Asheville. We are playing an increasing role in assisting local community groups with technological solutions. We’ve partnered with the Homeless Coalition, BeLoved House, Buncombe Reentry Council and more recently, the...

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